“American Exceptionalism” 🤮 it’s that kind of intellectually dishonest bravado that is antithetical to the American experiment. I did not become an American citizen to vote for candidates who have zero respect for the separation of church and state. I applaud beckwith for wearing his heart on his sleeve. Makes it incredibly easy to understand his true character.
Stephen Garden wrote it more eloquently, and it was perfect! But I’m inclined to just say the first thing that comes to mind: “Ho hum … another zealous, pretend-Christian who wants to be a political cult leader.”
People with a lick of common sense can see through this snake oil sales pitch.
From what I’ve seen, heard and read about this guy, he doesn’t seem very popular. So He just needs to shut his dirty mouth and keep quiet before he gets in really big trouble.
This man won’t teach; he will preach. Biggest turn off to a child is being preached at, and they will not listen to him. But we need to keep our minds on the separation that church cannot dictate what the state does. It’s just really scary how a Christian nationalist are getting their feet in everyone’s face.
“American Exceptionalism” 🤮 it’s that kind of intellectually dishonest bravado that is antithetical to the American experiment. I did not become an American citizen to vote for candidates who have zero respect for the separation of church and state. I applaud beckwith for wearing his heart on his sleeve. Makes it incredibly easy to understand his true character.
Stephen Garden wrote it more eloquently, and it was perfect! But I’m inclined to just say the first thing that comes to mind: “Ho hum … another zealous, pretend-Christian who wants to be a political cult leader.”
People with a lick of common sense can see through this snake oil sales pitch.
I fear our country is lacking in common sense these days
He is in no way qualified to teach other people's children anything!
He misspoke , He doesn't teach , He indoctrinates! POS
From what I’ve seen, heard and read about this guy, he doesn’t seem very popular. So He just needs to shut his dirty mouth and keep quiet before he gets in really big trouble.
Bechwith wouldn't know the true history if it was tattooed on his forehead!
This man won’t teach; he will preach. Biggest turn off to a child is being preached at, and they will not listen to him. But we need to keep our minds on the separation that church cannot dictate what the state does. It’s just really scary how a Christian nationalist are getting their feet in everyone’s face.