How Phil GiaQuinta is wining and dining precinct chairs
Held private event for them last night; another is scheduled for Saturday morning

The email hit Democratic Party precinct chair inboxes late Thursday night.
State Representative Phil GiaQuinta was inviting them to a private event he held last night (Sunday, April 14) at the Bergstaff Place reception hall in Fort Wayne.
“Please join us for a conversation about the future of our city,” he wrote. “I hope you’ll come by if your schedule allows to hear my thoughts and also ask any questions you’d like to. We'll have plenty of food and fellowship.”
The House Minority Leader wasn’t kidding. The evening, which was scheduled to be from 5:30PM to 7:30PM, included dinner, drinks, and a lot of mingling.
It also provided a chance for GiaQuinta to have several prominent community leaders take the microphone and vouch for him. They came from the business, non-profit, and donor classes.
Bev Zuber, the recently retired Wayne Township Assessor, also stood up and declared her support for GiaQuinta.
Last night’s dinner isn’t the only time GiaQuinta will offer free food and drinks to the same precinct chairs who will decide whether he’ll be Fort Wayne’s next mayor.
Immediately preceding this Saturday’s caucus, the GiaQuinta for Mayor campaign committee will host a “Unity Breakfast” at Parkview Field — the same location as the caucus — for all precinct chairs, party officials, and his fellow mayoral candidates.
“Let’s come together in the spirit of unity for breakfast,” GiaQuinta wrote in his email to the precinct chairs. “All are invited and I hope you will attend, have a bite, and enjoy fellowship with our fellow Democrats.”
It’s probably safe to say that he also hopes they will remember — as they cast their caucus ballot later that morning — which candidate paid for the bacon and eggs still in their stomachs.